Destiny: 'Borderlands' Characters Jump Height And Movement Is Framed Around Halo

Gearbox Software’s Borderlands franchise is arguably the standard for loot-based FPS games and many of its mechanics have carried over into over series like Call of Duty and Destiny. It’s not as though the developer is unaware of it – at PAX South, franchise creator Matt Armstrong spoke about those inspirations (as reported by IGN)

Destiny: Do You Know What The Darkness Actually Is?

"Darkness" sounds more like a concept than an actual thing. Maybe that's intentional. Maybe the darkness isn't real in the way we think it's real. Or at least, I'm starting to reconsider what I think I know about the darkness after reading a theory penned by Redditor AlphaLupi.

Raids Creator Knows The Destiny Of The First DLC Problem

Luke Smith, the lead designer of Destiny‘s sprawling raid quests, knows that a lot of people aren’t very happy with the Crota’s End raid introduced in the game’s first expansion, The Dark Below, and he understands why. Smith took to a discussion thread on NeoGAF over the weekend to address Destiny‘s fans directly, owning the mistakes of the first downloadable content release and offering some thoughts on how they can be addressed in the next one

The Destiny Of 10 Big Changes Need You To Know

Even though we have Sparrows to fly on, strange planets to explore, and spaceships to race across the stars with, we mostly just keep shooting aliens. And gathering obscure currencies and crafting materials

Bungie Said: We Will Not In The Future Destiny DLC Of The Twice Made A Mistake

Bungie has heard players' criticisms about the progression system in Destiny's first DLC, and said that it won't repeat the same mistakes again when it releases the next DLC, House of Wolves

Destiny: Necrochasm Will Require Multiple Crota’s End Completions

As covered in this Destiny guide, the Necrochasm is obtained by getting the Husk of the Pit from a Swordbearer Knight and using an Embalming Orb to upgrade it to Eidolon Ally. The final evolution to Necrochasm requires the Crux of Crota, which can only be obtained by beating the boss of Crota’s End on Hard Mode

Destiny: Xur's January 23 Weekends And Exotic Goods Location

destiny xur location vanguard hall,destiny no land beyond ps4 ps3 xbox one xbox 360,destiny mk 44 stand asides titan boots ps4 ps3 xbox one xbox 360,destiny radiant dance machines hunter boots ps4 ps3 xbox one xbox 360,destiny starfire protocol warlock chest ps4 ps3 xbox one xbox 360

Destiny May Be The Best Games And Worst Games In 2014

Some people have said it’s the sort of game you either love or you hate. For me it’s much more of a love-hate relationship. It’s exactly what I want out of a video game, and yet its pieces are ultimately more satisfying than the whole.

The Destiny Of The Latest Raid Was Completed Within 30 Minutes

Destiny's recently introduced Crota's End raid hard mode has been beat in less than half an hour, Bungie confirmed on Twitter last night

Destiny's Best Guns Obtained As Icebreaker

News went out across The Last City and all regions beyond that Xur, Destiny’s mysterious weekend vendor, was selling the legendary sniper rifle known as Icebreaker. Arguably the best gun in the entire game, my mission was clear: I had to have it

Destiny 10 Year Plan: "House of Wolves, Comet: Plague of Darkness”

A photo did the rounds that was supposedly taken during an in house developer’s conference, which showed off a big screen of future DLC releases. These included “House of Wolves”, “Comet: Plague of Darkness,” and a host of other details

Destiny Can Be Improved In 10 Ways

Destiny’s biggest problem by far is a lack of matchmaking options: aside from Strike or Crucible playlists, players cannot use matchmaking to connect to random people and if they want to participate in raids, weekly strikes or random activities, they have to find their own groups.
Displaying 385-396 of 506 results.