Bungie will pit five of Destiny's Best Players
The mission and platform will be chosen by "special guests," and players will fight for an emblem of legends (pictured below). Those who manage to get a match for the event will face Invigorate members LtJohn5, Luminosity48, Ewoktapus, iiskampii and Luckycharms343.
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When You Have No Friends - You Can Go To Play Destiny Harder CO-OP Stuff
We’ve all been here before: It’s a new week for Destiny, but you’ve got no one around to play the raids, heroic strikes, and nightfalls with. You need to get the best gear to get any further in the game, but those are the three best options for earning top-quality loot. And none of them automatically group players up in a lobby.
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Destiny: We'll Need A New Revised Hitchhiker's Guide To Galaxy
Interactions between galaxies can trigger an increase in star-formation activity as well an increased level of activity around the nuclear black hole. These general behaviors have been reproduced in simulations of merging galaxies, lending confidence to our understanding of the physical mechanisms at work. But not all interactions lead to such enhancements, and the reasons are not well understood; meanwhile the strength of the triggering mechanism(s) and many other details remain puzzling.
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'Destiny' - Bungie Could Control Xur's Loot Table
Some Destiny players are unhappy about traveling merchant Xur's selection and think that Bungie is deliberately keeping the best loot away from players. The studio flatly denied that they have any control over what the NPC sells, though.
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Destiny: Necrochasm Rifle Isn’t Worth The Effort
Players finally got their hands on the Necrochasm in Destiny this week. That would be the unique auto rifle that evolves from a lowly common rifle to what is supposed to be a powerful Exotic piece of weaponry. Unfortunately, it does not look to be worth the effort after Xbox and PlayStation players waited almost two months to get their hands on it
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Destiny: Fixing Bugs In A Live Game Is Always About Managing Risk
This meant that there was essentially no reason to ever purchase the ammo, or utilize the many upgrades that allowed you to carry more. Even if you maxed everything out, you’d just lose it all and have to go hunting for the ammo once again later on. Thankfully this bug seems to have been addressed by Bungie and a fix is incoming in a soon to be released update
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"Destiny DLC" expansion pack "House of Wolves" will be better than the problematic
Developer Luke Smith promised fans those mistakes in "Dark Below" such as "vendor gear invalidating the effort of VOG raiders and "upgrading an Exotic resetting its talents" will be fixed when "House of Wolves" is released. Smith also added that the rules about rewards will go on changing based on the players' responses and gameplay. The developer promised that the team will continue to advance the stories and make the progress of the game faster.
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Let us rank destiny class: Reverse order
Similar to the Voidwalker, the Striker really thrives in Destiny PvP. That isn’t to say it doesn’t have its uses in PvE, though. A lot of the new content in Destiny: The Dark Below requires players to plow through massive swarms of weak enemies. The best prescription for when you’re swarmed by Thralls or Goblins is a good old-fashioned room clearing Fist of Havoc. Also, the Striker’s lightning grenade, when positioned correctly, can be devastating
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10 Simple Changes You Can Make ' Destiny ' Get Better
We're not game developers, but we put together a list of 11 simple changes that would improve the Destiny experience. Destiny power leveling can also improve your game. Sure there are bugs with Crota or other encounters, but these changes raise the quality of life across the board for all players.
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The Strongest Exotic Weapons In Destiny: Top 5 Guns Across The Game's Rarest Tier
Attack value, talents, and a bit of opinion--the last spot is likely up for debate. That said, and without further ado, I give you the top 5. The rocket launcher that still evades most of the game's players, Gjallarhorn is simply the most powerful weapon in Destiny
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Techland's Zombie-Heavy Release Dying Light From Destiny
According to one Reddit poster, the loot cave can be found in the top right of Dying Light's map. Heading inside the cave, you'll find a pile of remains - a throwback to Destiny's own cave - and the following message on your screen: Your destiny is to build your legend (and get loot.)"
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Destiny: 6 Reasons To Make You Bored
There some serious hurdles standing in the way of the game's greatness for some gamers, and most of those hurdles center around the game being boring. Why and how is it boring? Well, for the most part, there are six major reasons why Destiny is really boring
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Displaying 373-384 of 506 results.