If You Like Destiny: 6 Places That You Must Visit

Recent weeks have brought a number of potential leaked details about upcoming expansions, as well as glitches that have allowed some players to explore incomplete zones.

How to Conquer Crota’s End in Destiny's Raid

Destiny‘s first expansion, The Dark Below, introduced the game’s second six-player raid: Crota’s End. Set deep below the surface of the Moon, players face armies of Hive in the pitch-black darkness as they fight and puzzle their way to the chamber of the warrior-god Crota, son of Oryx.

Destiny Update for Tuesday January 13th Preview

Bungie will announce the next update for Destiny on Tuesday January 13th. It's said that the patch will bring updates to Crota's End and more. Let's look a have at what will be bring to us.

Destiny First New Year's Gift: Legendary Weapon

The holidays have come and gone, but Destiny players get a little more to celebrate this week. Bungie has announced that Destiny players will be receiving a special item this week.

Latest Destiny Iron Banner News: Lord Saladin Returns

Have you remember a report by Destiny-Store.com, it's said that Lord Saladin and The Iron Lords will return. If you’re eager to try out some of your new The Dark Below items in player-versus-player competition, you might want to see Lord Saladin.

Destiny's Dark Below: Analyze the Pros and Cons

Although Destiny's first expansion pack have dropped to us, we plan to look back on the first weekend, analyze the pros and cons, and offer our thoughts on how things should be tweaked going forward.

Destiny: The Gear and Weapons Power Leveling Issues

Power Leveling a Destiny character via gear isn't exactly a new concept, but it certainly isn't a popular one. The most obvious solution to the level cap issue is to allow players to increase the level of their existing gear with every new level update.

It's Horrible to Destiny New Upgrade Currency Model

In base Destiny, the last three upgrade sockets for legendary and exotic armo and weapons required legendary-quality upgrade materials called Ascendant Shards and Ascendant Energy, respectively.

A Modded Console Can't be playing Destiny, Or Ban

A modded console will be not allowed playing Destiny, and if continue you will be get immediate risks and outright ban, said Bungie this week.

Destiny's Dark Below: How to Farm Vanguard Commendations Fast

Before you decide to go farming Vanguard reputation make sure you’re not wearing a factions reputation item – (cape, bond or skirt), as it prevents you from earning vanguard reputation.

Dead Ghosts Collectibles Locations of Destiny's Dark Below

There are six dead ghost collectibles to find in Destiny’s The Dark Below DLC. All ghosts are found in story missions, and they’re all relatively close to each other. Check out the descriptions below for full explanations on where to find them.

Pure Video Tutorial: Power Leveling to 31 in Destiny's Dark Below

Learn how to get light 31 quickly without the randomness of drops with Vanguard, Crucible, and Faction gear in Destiny's expansion The Dark below.
Displaying 397-408 of 506 results.