'Destiny' - Collect Every Grimoire Card After Maxing His Score

One of the biggest criticisms of Destiny is that its story is practically non-existent. The only way to piece together the lore is through “Grimoire” cards earned by playing (and only viewable outside the game).

Destiny: What about that “House of Wolves” authentication file?

which makes it seem like the user is probably a Bungie employee. Whether or not this sweet gear will ever be available to the public is unknown, but perhaps it has something to do with the “House of Wolves” expansion, which apparently the file of which can be downloaded — but not used — on the Xbox Store already.

'Destiny' - This is Normal, We'll Be Back !

If all of this sounds a bit apocalyptic, rest assured, it isn't. With every Destiny article I write, there are several people who respond by saying something like, "I never got the hype," or, "I played for a week, then traded it in. Whatever." I'm certain the comments below this article will be filled with many more of those folks, smilingly sharing the fact that they stopped playing long ago.

Destiny: Bungie Keeps Fixing The 'Wrong' Things

Once or twice, I'd be talking to my colleague and Destiny power leveling bro Jason Schreier about playing, and we'd both hem and haw and slowly realize that, to be honest, we'd rather do something else. It just wasn't worth our time.

Activision revealed that Destiny‘s beta saw 4.6 million players participate

With Battlefield Hardline’s beta coming to an end, Visceral Games and EA are both in number-crunching mode, preparing to run the stats and see what they can improve in the game prior to launch. An interesting figure they’ve uncovered is that more than 5 million people in total have played the beta so far – that’s more than Destiny‘s beta last year, a game hyped to no end.

Peter Dinklage’s voice acting performance as Ghost in Destiny for the PlayStation

Reddit user’s t0nin0t and willisgaming2 shared videos of what it would be like if Samuel L. Jackson and Arnold Schwarzenegger had voiced Ghost instead of Peter Dinklage. There is lots of not safe for work swearing in these videos so please watch them with headphones on or in the comfort of your own home.

Destiny: Blast pattern on a Fusion Rifle burst cone is a little wider

In addition to revealing when The House of Wolves expansion would be coming, Bungie also revealed that the weapons in Destiny will receive some balancing tweaks. Will the Pulse Rifles be less woeful now, and will the Auto Rifle nerf upset PlayStation and Xbox players?

Destiny: The big winner in patch 1.1.1 is the Pulse Rifle

Bungie is ready to launch a brand new weapon balance update for Destiny in patch 1.1.1, which is due to arrive sometime before the end of February 2015. It’s not quite as dramatic as some of the past updates, but if you’re a fan of shooting things in the game — and if Destiny is a thing you play, then that’s probably the case — then you should probably take a look.

Destiny's 1.1.1 Update Arrives This Month: Range From The Subtle To The Unmissable

Since its release last September, developer Bungie has been observing games, listening to players, collecting data and conducting internal playtests. The upcoming changes are a result of those efforts. Destiny power leveling turn updated into your convenience.

Destiny Reached 16 Million Registered Users And $11 Billion In Retail Sales

"Active" Destiny players are spending, on average, more than three hours in the game every day, Activision added. Overall, Activision calls Destiny the "most successful launch of a new video game franchise in history." The game was also the top-selling new IP for 2014.

Destiny: We All Spent Hours Shooting At A Dark Hole

Destiny‘s first great success wasn’t quite a Pyrrhic victory, but it easily could have been. A still-burgeoning community of fans united around the ridiculous proposition of shooting blindly into the now-legendary “Loot Cave” back in September 2014. They did it to fast track their way to better gear, but many found a fun social hang as well.

Our Guide To Destiny's Best Legendary And Exotic Auto Rifles

Like Us on Facebook A group of players beat the Crota's End Raid without firing a single shot from their guns, using mainy Supers and melees to defeat the entire dungeon. They posted their feats to Reddit, and you can watch the incredible run in three parts below.
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