'Destiny' - You Need To Know About Xur Stock

Over the last couple of months, Reddit user Megamanexe4 has managed to data-mine Destiny and successfully leak Xur’s stock over a number of weeks. This prediction fell flat a couple of times when Bungie changed Xur’s stock at the very last minute, right before he was due to arrive in the Tower.

Bungie Has Been Doing What It Can To Prevent This Player’s Predictions

The vendor’s name is Xûr, and if not for his paltry asking price-per-piece, many players wouldn’t have gotten their favorite guns yet — even now, half a year after the game released.

Destiny Crota's End Solo Speedrun: Just 16 Minutes

We've seen impressive Destiny Raid runs that combine solo attempts, no weapons, speed, and other factors. Another entry makes a mockery of Crota's End, with a player soloing the Raid in just 16 minutes.

Destiny players can glitch into locked areas of the game

It’s no secret that Destiny players can glitch into locked areas of the game – they’ve been doing it since launch. Now, ahead of the House of Wolves expansion pack, a number of players have managed to get into the location of one of the new Strike missions on the Moon, and were kind enough to give a small tour of their findings.

Destiny of next update: Increase Vault Space

The team cites increasing vault space as a key objective, meaning that players who accrue items won't need to micro-manage their inventories so much. Writing on the Destiny blog, community manager David Dague also cites Raid bugs and Strike difficulty balances as goals for the next update

Destiny: Xur’s Location And Exotic Goods For Weekend Of March 13

Destiny players who need to keep their health up should check out the wares being sold by Xûr, Agent of the Nine, this weekend. The mysterious vendor has returned to the Tower, and PlayStation and Xbox owners can grab the Red Death Exotic Pulse Rifle.

Destiny has been named as best game at 2015's British Academy Game Awards

The post-apocalyptic first-person shooter was developed by Bungie. It was the US studio's first release after quitting the Halo series. The title attracted mixed reviews, and its relatively bare-bones plot continues to divide gamers.

Talking To Bungie's Deej Dague About Destiny's Achievements And Weaknesses

Destiny is one of the the most polarizing AAA games of its scale in a long time. Just mentioning the game in a busy room brings up mass cheers and boos, often dividing a space and creating a huge cacophonous argument where no one gets out alive.

Destiny House of Wolves DLC Might Arrive in May

Bungie’s Destiny has become an unprecedented success for the company despite several issues that have arisen since launch. Given that many gamers expected a sprawling space epic, akin to Borderlands meets Halo, the low amount of content has been a major issue.

Destiny: Seeking Xur Location on March 13

How many times is Xur going to offer the Ice breaker? That’s the question that many Destiny players are scratching their heads about now, as we approach the Xur location on March 13 this week.

Destiny: Nightfall Features Triple Burn, Returns to Winter’s Run

Daylight savings time or not, Bungie’s Destiny has seen its latest weekly refresh. This means another chance to run the raids this week along with new Weekly Heroic and Nightfall Strikes. As revealed by Reddit data-miner and leaker megamanexe4, this week sees players return to Winter’s Run on Venus to battle the Archon Priest.

Destiny Players 16 minutes finish the Crota Raid

Bungie’s Destiny is notorious for its ridiculous player-driven challenges, such as soloing Raids or taking a Sparrow where no Sparrow should be allowed to go. With this in mind, a player undertook Destiny‘s latest Raid, Crota’s End, solo. While this is nothing new, the player managed to do it in an astonishing 16 minutes and 7 seconds.
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