Destiny: New settings and modes for colorblind players
Developers at Bungie are really putting everything they have to make their flagship game "Destiny" one of the most player-friendly titles. For instance, they took care with the animations for first-person camera shots, and even researched fast movements in sports like boxing.
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Destiny’s weekly refresh has come and gone
Allowing players to try their hands yet again at completing the various Raids along with the Heroic and Nightfall. As is the usual, this week’s Heroic and Nightfall has changed with players heading to the Moon, in to the Summoning Pits to kill Phogoth.
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Destiny: Bungie fights back against data miner
Destiny’s success is based on a simple premise: keep people playing. The gameplay is good, the story is…not so much, but where Bungie Inc’s sci-fi shooter really excels is dangling the carrot of better gear in front of players’ noses in a manner similar to what MMO fans have called “the gear treadmill.”
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Destiny: Spent 1200 Hours In The Game
Destiny has only been on the market since September, but one hyper-dedicated player has managed to sink more than 1200 hours into the game. A Reddit user named comphermc posted a screenshot of his inventory, and, surprisingly, 1200 hours isn't enough time to collect every item that Destiny has to offer. Though, the faction ships/shaders are the only things left on his list.
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Destiny: Upcoming Nightfall And Heroic Strikes Detailed
Reddit user Megamanexe4 has been up to his usual data mining activities in an attempt to try and find out more about upcoming gameplay details for Destiny. Such is his reliable nature, he has managed to turn up the Strike missions for next week, both of which we will detail below for you.
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Destiny player Megamanexe4 has hinted at Xur's items
Renowned "Destiny" player, Megamanexe4 has correctly predicted "Xur: Agent of the Nine" exotic items well ahead of its official announcement for past so many weeks. Megamanexe4 exposed Bungie, who claimed that development team has no control over "Xur: Agent of the Nine" items, and it is spawned at random.
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Destiny Next Week’s Weekly Heroic And Nightfall Strike Ahead Of Time
As leaked by Reddit’s fabled Megamanexe4, next week’s Strike is ‘The Summoning Pits’, starring Phogoth, everyone’s favorite Ogre. Next week’s Destiny Nightfall will feature
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'Destiny' - Must Deliver In Its 'House of Wolves' Expansion
Despite being all anyone could talk about in 2014, Destiny chatter has been relatively quiet so far this year. After the December release of The Dark Below, once that content was complete, all that was left was the eternal grind and periodic events like the Iron Banner. But now, we’re moving closer toward the spring release of the game’s next expansion, House of Wolves, and with it, there are fresh things to discuss.
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Players amazing said: Is Destiny’s Xur relevant?
I, as many other Guardians, picked up Destiny on day one, and have sunk 500+ hours into the game since September. I used to count down the hours until Xur would arrive in the tower with shiny new Exotics for Guardians to buy, but since November Xur has become less relevant to most Guardians. Which leads me to the question, is Xur relevant?
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More details on the Destiny 1.1.2 update coming prior to House of Wolves
On the audio front, Destiny's 1.1.2 patch will add new options to help boost the volume of voice chat relative to in-game sound. Players will be able to tweak a Chat Volume setting that affects player voices coming through your speakers (but not your chat headset) and a Game Volume option that controls all game dialogue, sound effects, and music.
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Destiny‘s Iron Banner offers multiple buffs – an Armour Shader
This week in Destiny marks the return of the fabled Iron Banner PvP playlist, which in turn brings with it a series of armour pieces and weapons that have Raid-level stats – a must-have for any player looking to expand their current inventory.
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Destiny Patch 1.1.2: Vault space and Raid fixes
In its weekly blog update about Destiny Patch 1.1.2, Bungie has said that it will be addressing a number of player concerns in the future update, including more Vault space and Raid fixes, to further improve the game.
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Displaying 313-324 of 506 results.