Three Destiny Bonus Challenge Raid Chests for the Vault of Glass

I recently read Kirk Hamilton’s interview with Luke Smith, the lead designer of the Vault of Glass. In the interview, there were comments that I felt potentially offered a few helpful insights into the hunt for more raid chests.

Voice Chat Beta Version Will Come to Destiny on November 17th With 1.03 Update

Bungie has announced that in a new patch coming on November 17th on all platforms, version 1.03, they will be adding a beta version of Voice Chat function to the game.

It Will be Going Offline For A Few Hours November 13 to Destiny Servers

Bungie has announced that they will be taking the Destiny servers offline for a big maintenance window, to prep the servers for the roll out of new features in the weeks ahead. The servers will be offline on Nov. 13th from 8am PT to noon PT, a window of four hours.

Destiny Future Updates: Preview Items Before You Spend Glimmer

Destiny developer Bungie has outlined a raft of tweaks and changes coming to the first-person shooter through future updates. Writing as part of the latest Bungie Weekly Update, the developer explained that the updates will introduce, among other things, a way to preview items before you spend destiny glimmer.

How to Maximising Your Vanguard Marks and Ascendant Material Gains to Hit Destiny Level 30 Fast

You may emphasis shifts away from XP and towards gear once you up on to detsiny level 20 by yourself or other ways.Levels 20 to 30 are about obtaining high-end gear and upgrading it through a mixture of experience (which applies to equipped items) and materials.

Top Wanted Features in Destiny 2

The first Destiny expansion, The Dark Below, does not release until December 9 and the core game is almost two months old, but Activision already announced the next entry in Bungie’s first person franchise. No official title yet, but for now, we’ll simply refer to it as Destiny 2.

Destiny Expansion I: The Dark Below Will be Released on December 9th

Bungie has announced that The Dark Below, Destiny's first expansion -- or, "Expansion I" -- will be released on December 9th, so, What's in store for players? come to look:

Easily Beat This Week's Nightfall Event of Destiny

Destiny journey cointinues in shared-world shooter and another weekly reset means a new weekly Heroic Strike and Nightfall event to indulge in. This time Guardians must face the Cerberus Vae III Strike on Mars and the bullet absorbing Valus Ta’aurc.

Destiny Developer Given a Very Special Gift to Recovering Player

Destiny developer Bungie has given a very special gift to a player using the shooter MMO to aid in his recovery from brain surgery. Reddit user Bkbunny87 made a post yesterday explaining how, on advice from his neurologist, her husband has been playing Destiny as an effective form of therapy following brain surgery.

Destiny Power Leveling With Handmade Leveling Up

There is no doubt that Destiny is the currently most popular, most fun game. Whether it is the screen or the storyline, Bungie team show us the best side of Destiny, of course, and task difficulty of the game are some boring parts. If you are tired of those boring tasks, anxious to level up, then come to

Over 9.5 Million Registered Encourage Destiny 2 Come Out

Activision called Destiny the “largest new franchise launch in history” and one of the 10 largest game launches “ever in the US”. The firm also reiterated Destiny players average over three hours of playtime per day.

Destiny Tutorial - Access Terminus on Venus

One thing that a lot of Destiny players are complaining about is its monotony. When this happens, players are forced peek around different areas, hoping to find something fruitful.
Displaying 421-432 of 506 results.