Sep 01 Views (1041)

The Preview of Destiny Raid Theme Week

Destiny is out in just over a week, fans are asking Bungie all kinds of questions regarding the game, and Bungie is answering as many of them as it can. This week’s theme is all about raids.



In its weekly update, Bungie discussed raids, endgame content and much more.Perhaps the most important news is that you don’t have to finish a raid in one setting, the game will save your progress during the week, so you can resume with your group from where you left off. The progress however will be reset each Tuesday, which is the game’s weekly reset.

Raids come in two difficulties, normal and hard, once you finish a raid on normal, you’re given the option to try it on hard. Bungie says that running the raid on normal is a good way to understand the mechanics and making sure your group’s communication skills are rock solid.

The hard raids will naturally have tougher foes, shorter timers for some mechanics -which Bungie are not talking about- and harsher penalties for dying.Raids won’t provide you with information about how to beat them, there won’t be waypoints to follow, or objectives explaining what the next step is. Bungie wants you to ask around the internet for help, to collectively figure out how each one operates.

You’ll get loot from killing foes during raids, Bungie said that each class will have a complete set of gear that they can work towards, across the two difficulties. Legendary versions of each of the weapon types have also been created for each of the raids.

That means that gear and weapons you get from completing raids will be referencing the foes you killed during that raid, so expect unique visual and thematic references. All of that, and Bungie won’t even say what you’re going to find behind the Vault Door at the end of the raid.

Loot, similar to how the regular modes work, will be private to each player, meaning no racing for stuff, and you can only get loot from each encounter once, before the reset on Tuesday, so no farming. This applies only to your current character, so you can run the raid again with another character to get more loot.

The more I hear about the raids, the more I think I would never get a chance to play them, that being said, people like me are probably the kind of people Bungie wants out of raids anyway.