Jan 29 Views (992)

Techland's Zombie-Heavy Release Dying Light From Destiny


According to one Reddit poster, the loot cave can be found in the top right of Dying Light's map. Heading inside the cave, you'll find a pile of remains - a throwback to Destiny's own cave - and the following message on your screen: Your destiny is to build your legend (and get loot.)"


Zombies will then begin spawning from the cave, writes Reddit user ZachyWillz. Once the user eventually kills the horde they are greeted by the message: "Enough! Patch 1.0.2 has been released! Do more quests!"


Footage of the Easter egg can be viewed below at 1:35.


Earlier last year, Bungie's Destiny removed access to the exploit known as the "loot cave," a deep, dark hole in the game world where easily defeated enemies spawn and drop fantastic gear. In a hot fix note, Bungie said, "The Hive of the holy 'Treasure Cave' have realized the futility of their endless assault on Skywatch and have retired to lick their wounds and plan their next attack." That's the more poetic way of saying that Bungie nerfed the cave.