Jul 23 Views (1320)

Secret-Hunters Kill Every Gorgon In The Vault of Glass from Destiny

Here is a cool thing that just happened in Destiny, a video game about learning how to somehow salvage your IRL relationships after you just spent 48 straight hours playing Trials of Osiris.


Using some ingenuity and 10 months worth of research, a group of players has figured out how to destroy every Gorgon in the Vault of Glass, a task that once seemed impossible. (For more on these raid hunters, read our profile.)


Some context: the Vault, Destiny’s first and best raid, contains a section called the Gorgon’s Labyrinth where players have to navigate a dark, confusing maze without getting caught by any of the Gorgons, who will wipe your entire party on sight. It’s possible to kill a Gorgon, but even if you do, all of their brethren will get stronger and in most cases, become totally invulnerable—unless you follow a certain pattern discovered by members of the r/raidsecrets subreddit.


Now those guys have figured out exactly how to follow that pattern and take out ALL eight Gorgons at the same time. (You can watch one perspective in the video above.) The bad news: they found nothing. No sixth chest, no special easter egg—just the satisfaction that they did something that shouldn’t have been possible.