Mar 14 Views (1941)

POE Is One Of The Most Exciting Games I Have Come Across

Path of Exile is one of the most exciting games I have come across. The game has nice graphics considering but it has that locked camera view and content is repeated after only 3 zones. Various leagues reshape the rules, making bosses more difficult, adding unique items, and implementing permanent death. The whole game design revolves around your build not gamer skill and like I said you build a gamer to spam kills as fast as possible. I'm so fully committed to Path of Exile that I've spent more time on buying path of exile items



Path of Exile is not a mere retread of Diablo II, however, though it smartly uses this familiarity to instill comfort before introducing you to the diverse mechanics, vaporous dungeons, and wandering phantasms that give the game its unique identity. When playing the game, gamers have a wide variety of initial classes to choose from but each class only serves as the initial starting point for a player's character progression. Overall, this game is a fantastic game - a much better alternative to Diablo 3. 



Awesome story

Non pay to win

Great graphics

Well optimized

Big passive skill tree

Open ended class builds



Mild learning curve

Kinda dark/hard to see

Can be difficult on solo

No character customization


The game features the massive passive skill tree which offers plenty of hours of theorycrafting. Each player can choose from a huge variety of point allocations in order to truly customize their characters role. The game is amazing, if you like the game, and then try to know more news about the Path of Exile, click for source