Dec 06 Views (992)

New Slaughter Rules Has Come to Destiny Crucible PVP

Bungie has implemented new Slaughter Rules in order to improve Destiny's overall player vs. player experience, and live right now. The new rules ensure fair and balanced matches when playing in the Crucible. You can buy destiny power leveling to help you level up fast in Destiny crucible pvp.

New Slaughter Rules Has Come to Destiny Crucible PVP

According to the light patch notes, "In the event of a massacre, all parties are returned to orbit at the conclusion of each match." The rules in which this could occur are based on the playlists:


  • Team-based playlists

If one team is grossly under-performing, the session is dissolved in favor of matchmaking

  • Rumble playlist

If three or more players are grossly under-performing, the session is dissolved in favor of matchmaking


Bungie didn't get into specifics as to what they determine to be "grossly under-performing," but I'm sure you've all experienced frustrating, lopsided losses before. Sure, it's fun when you win, but think of how annoying it is when you are mismatched with players of differing skill.