Jul 01 Views (1235)

New Iron Banner Having Some Issues With Destiny

Update: Bungie posted on Twitter that the problems with Iron Banner should be resolved. Players should now be receiving reputation and rewards from Iron Banner games at the conclusion of matches, as usual.


Original Story: Destiny's limited-time Iron Banner multiplayer event returned today, but things didn't go exactly to plan.


Players are reporting experiencing the "Anteater" error, which is kicking them from matches. Not only that, but Bungie says Iron Banner gains are not always applying as they should. The developer is looking into these issues, and asks players to "stand by" for updates.


"We are actively investigating reports that Iron Banner gains are not being granted after matches," Bungie wrote on Twitter at 11:52 AM PDT, under two hours after Iron Banner went live at 10 AM PDT.


The "gains" that Bungie is referring to are new Iron Banner rewards, which include a Pulse Rifle called Skorri's Revenge, among other gear.


In other Destiny news, Bungie formally announced the game's next expansion, The Taken King, earlier this month at E3. The expansion, which will cost $40, has been somewhat controversial. For more, check out GameSpot's hands-on impressions of The Taken King and an overview video below.