Sep 01 Views (1515)

Madden NFL 18 Guide On Farming Coins Fast

We'll be straight to the point and give you some nice and easy Madden 18 Coins Farming tips.



Complete Longshot Challenges


Firstly, you need some coins to make more coins. Getting a base of coins in Auction House , then play the Longshot mode to unlock Longshot challenges. It can make you earn more coins fast. Of course, daily solo challenges will bring some Madden 18 coins to you.


Resell Player Pack


Trading player packs is also a fast way for you. Buy a silver or better player in store then resell it in Auction House. You may get 300 to 500 coins with this method as the price of player pack is always changed.


Turn Tokens Into Playbooks


Farming coins with Silver Team Tokens can double your coins in a short time. Turn these tokens into playbooks and stadiums.


Sniping MUT Auction


Sniping Auction House is also a good way. Invest in the cheap players you found in Auction House Filter and check prices on MUThead and then sell them quickly to get more Madden 18 coins. Pay attentiion to the best time to buy and the best time to sell.


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