Jul 21 Views (1128)

Introduces Elimination Playlist to Crucible with Destiny

The development team at Bungie is announcing that a new Elimination Crucible playlist is now live for Destiny, allowing fans of the mode to get a new experience that's more focused on the performance of an entire Fireteam rather than that of just one player.


The information comes from the official account of the social shooter.


The Crucible experience has been less engaging for players of Destiny since the launch of the House of Wolves expansion, which allows gamers to play both Trials of Osiris and Prison of Elders, designed to offer new takes on both PvE and PvP.


Bungie has said that all elements of the title will be tweaked in the coming The Taken King expansion, which will be offered to gamers on September 15.


New Crucible game modes will be introduced.


The development team has also been offering more information about the big update 2.0 update, which is designed to tweak all the included weapons in order to make sure that a wider variety is used during Player versus Player matches.


The Taken King also includes a new major raid, a wider range of strikes and a new dreadnought area for gamers to explore. The destiny power leveling cap for Guardians is also increased, and the game is getting more weapons and items.