Aug 25 Views (1288)

Guide to Join a Destiny Clan

Destiny is a hub of social activity. The Destiny beta has shown PlayStation and Xbox players that in the midst of doing a campaign mission you can be joined by fellow Guardians and fight together to overcome the difficulties at hand. Not only that, you can battle against other players in specified PVP areas of the game that center around the Crucible and the Guardians’ home, the Tower. While the interactions that take place in Destiny can be totally random, with the exception of the servers sorting players by skills, you can purposely join friends by inviting them to join you in arms. However there is another way in which you can bond with other Guardians.



Clans are groups of Destiny players that bond together to enforce justice across the Destiny universe, saving the Traveller from the Darkness. Enemies such as the Fallen and Hive will still go after them, but clans have the advantage of being big groups of Guardians. Even now, at the beta stage of development, there are a large number of clans registered in the Destiny universe. Whether or not you join one is your choice alone, but if you decide to affiliate yourself to a clan, there are a lot to choose from.

Selecting which clan you join is an important decision and your fellow clan Guardians will need to be there to defend each other during tasks such as raids and strikes. The clans available in Destiny vary from consisting of a single player looking to develop a group, to fully fledged groups that are already in action. Considering that Destiny is only in its beta stage and that Bungie and Activision are reported to have a ten-year plan for the Destiny franchise, the number of clans in the system is expected to soar and the diversity will expand much further than that which we’ve seen already. Be careful which clan you choose to join, particularly if you’re a newbie who needs some support in the vast beta world of Destiny.

If there aren’t any existing clans in the Destiny beta system that take your fancy, you’re more than welcome to register your own Destiny clan! But rather than do that on your PS4/PS3/Xbox One/Xbox 360 console, to form your own Destiny clan you’ll need to head to the Bungie website and select the ‘Clans’ tab at the top of the page. Here you’ll be able to browse through the extensive list of Destiny clan names. Once you find the clan name that you’re destined to join, select it to find out further information. On the Bungie website you’ll be able to find out information such as news, alias, number of members and the compatible consoles that clans are based on. If the clan has a picture featured on their page, there will be an option to ‘Send Join Request’ besides it, where you can ask to join the clan. All you then need to do is wait for the acceptance and go on to beat injustice as part of the clan team.

When it comes to creating your own clan, it’s important to remember that for it to attract fellow Destiny Guardians, you will need to fill out all of the details on the Bungie website. An empty clan page will make it seem like someone had the idea and forgot about it. So take the time to build your clan’s identity and personality, including a good Destiny clan name! Once you have a slick clan page on the Bungie website, the next tip would be to spread the word. If you have friends who play Destiny, let them know about your clan and encourage them to join it (even if they will later leave it). Despite how good your clan page may look on the Destiny sytem, what will draw players in is the number of clan members. Remember the lonely Destiny player looking for support? They won’t join your clan if that would only top up the member total to two. If your friends don’t happen to play Destiny, then share your clan via social networking sites and forums for Destiny clan recruitment purposes. There will be hundreds of people playing Destiny and looking for a clan to join, why couldn’t it be yours they join