May 13 Views (970)

Featured in this week's trading of gears of war and the gold from Destiny

Major Nelson reports Bungie's online shooter Destiny is currently available for 50 percent off its normal MSRP on both platforms, with the Destiny Digital Guardian Collection also discounted on Xbox One at 30 percent off.


Several Saints Row games are also discounted 33-67 percent off on Xbox 360, including Saints Row: The Third, Saints Row IV, and the recently-released Saints Row: Gat out of Hell. Gat Out of Hell and Saints Row IV: Re-elected are available for 25-33 percent off their normal price on Xbox One.


A number of DLC packs for the recent Games With Gold offering Gears of War Judgement are also discounted, including skins, weapon skins, and in-game content.


Those who have been waiting may find now is a good time to pick up a discounted copy of Destiny, as its second expansion House of Wolves will be releasing next week.