Jul 06 Views (1738)

Destiny To prove that “The Taken King is more than DLC – it’s a game

Destiny To prove that “The Taken King is more than DLC – it’s a game


To prove that “The Taken King is more than DLC – it’s a game,” Bungie will be using their Weekly Updates going forward to share insight into how they’re updating Destiny this September, highlighting key features and content along the way.


“Between now and September 15,” Bungie said, “we’ll also explore a range of topics that we know are important to you, including weapon rebalancing, economy improvements, an overhauled quest experience, bounty enhancements, faction allegiances, end game content, and more.”


This week, Bungie explained what exactly The Taken King introduces to Destiny on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, Xbox One, and Xbox 360:

  • New story missions and an array of sidequests that conspire to tell the story of our battle to defend our Solar System against Oryx and his Taken army
  • New narrative driven by cinematic cutscenes starring an engaging cast of characters
  • New Exotic Weapons, Exotic Armor, and Exotic Questlines
  • The Dreadnaught, a full new destination, with unique secrets, rituals, and treasures to uncover
  • A new breed of enemy combatants, The Taken, armed with new abilities and weapons
  • An increased Level Cap, and new ways for your Guardian to grow more powerful
  • The most substantial injection of new, unique, and redesigned weapons, armor, and talents to date
  • New subclasses with all new Supers and abilities
  • New cooperative Strikes with unique and dynamic new Boss battles 
  • Redesigned and reimagined Strikes – Dust Palace, Undying Mind, and Cerberus Vae III – are now overrun by the Taken
  • New Crucible multiplayer maps with new Crucible modes, including the previously revealed Rift and Mayhem
  • And, of course, last but not least, our biggest six-player Raid yet


As for those who will be eligible for the Destiny Year One exclusive items, Bungie says they’ll reveal details on Tuesday, July 7, which just happens to be Bungie Day:


Pay us a visit again on Tuesday. We’ll have some celebrations of the awesome stuff you’ve done this past year, along with some invitations for how you can express yourselves.

We’ll also tell you how any player who has braved the first year of Destiny can achieve permanent, exclusive legendary status. This is something we’ve been working on for a while, and your own triumphs are the crucial ingredient.