Jul 06 Views (1142)

'Destiny' - The Taken King Expansion

First and foremost there are new story missions included in The Taken King as well as multiple side missions which reveal the story of the Guardian’s battle to defend the solar system against Oryx and his Taken army.


Bungie formally confirmed Destiny’s first major expansion back at the E3 2015 gaming convention but it didn’t really detail everything that the expansion brings. Now though the developer of this popular title is finally revealing “what’s in the box,” what players will get if they dish out the extra money for the first major Destiny expansion.


Also included in the expansion are new Exotic weapons, Exotic armor and Exotic Questlines, as well as a new narrative driven by cinematic cutscenes with a new cast of characters.


A new destination called the Dreadnaught is present as well with unique secrets, treasures and rituals for the player to uncover. Players will also go up against a new breed of enemy combatants armed with new weapons and abilities.


The Taken King expansion also brings Destiny’s biggest six-player Raid yet, new Crucible multiplayer maps with new Crucible modes, reimagined and redesigned Strikes as well as new cooperative Strikes with new unique and dynamic Boss battles.


Bungie is going to reveal more details about Destiny: The Taken King expansion between now and its release on September 15th.