Mar 30 Views (962)

Destiny: Nightfall And Heroic Strike Revealed

Starting with the strikes, there’s the weekly Heroic strike on Venus. This hard difficulty strike will come with the Heroic and Juggler modifiers and will reward players with Strange Coin, Cryptarch Engram, Vanguard Marks and Vanguard Reputation. Then there’s the Nightfall strike, a very hard strike on Venus that will come with the Epic, Nightfall, Void Burn, Angry and Juggler modifiers.


The hardcore Destiny community has shown its usual pursuit of level grinding by not being too bothered by the current lack of suspend/resume functionality in the latest PS4 update and Megamanexe4 has instead continued on with his routine of data mining to bring early information to the masses. Destiny power leveling makes you upgrade more convenient.Still apparently unable to lock down Xur for inventory foresight, he brings word on the two upcoming strikes as well as next weeks Crucible events.


Up next there are two Crucible events, one of them is the new Inferno Clash which is an “all-out team warfare” with a 6v6 deathmatch where level advantages are disabled. Rewards include Crucible Gear, Crucible Marks and Crucible Reputation. Then there’s the Salvage missions which is a 3v3 race to capture and hold relics from the other team. Level advantages are disabled and rewards include Crucible Gear, Crucible Marks and Crucible Reputation.