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Destiny Class Guide:The Detail Analysis of Titans

Destiny is a shared-worlds shooter rather than an MMO, so despite the synergies between the two genres, you don’t necessarily need to worry about building a character to work with others, or insisting on a “holy trinity” when forming a fire team.


destiny titans


Similarly, while you need to think tactically and use your skills effectively, even in strikes gunplay is super important. As long as you like shooting things, you don’t need to worry too much about class – pick the one that seems like it will be the most fun to play.

Titan: the Destiny tank
The Titan is more heavily armoured than other classes and has the ability to regenerate health. This makes it great for those who like to run around without having to worry about cover too much; who like to get in close with shotguns; or who want to work with others by creating a defensive barrier and distraction while fire team mates lay down the smack. Although we’re calling Titan’s tanks, don’t be fooled; they’re excellent at dishing out damage.

The Titan’s double jump is called Lift, and is focused on perpendicular motion. As the heaviest class, the Titan definitely doesn’t waft about like the Hunter, but when fully upgraded Lift will allow you to harness a burst of speed, getting you out of trouble – or closing a gap quickly to deliver a powerful melee blow.

Speaking of which, the Titan has an interesting melee; all that power armour allows for electric strikes. The special melee does bonus damage, and when upgraded, there’s a chance to immediately reset its cooldown and do area of effect damage. When fully upgraded, the special melee reduces cooldown on super attacks.

The super is called Fist of Havoc and is a ground-pound with area-of-effect damage. When upgraded, it drops a persistent damaging field, can be aimed mid-jump, and unleashed a shockwave along a horizontal plane.

The Titan’s grenade is a flashbang type; it will temporarily disorient enemies caught in its area of effect. This gives the Titan a strategic possibility, allowing it to control a firezone. The grenade can be upgraded twice. The first adds periodic damage to its effects, and the second makes it sticky.

By upgrading the Titan’s class foci, you can double down on battle recovery and speed; increase the leap distance of Fist of Havoc; increase the duration of grenades and Fist of Havoc’s field; regenerate health with melee kills; increase survivability while using your super; melee after sprinting; and gain a shield after sprinting.